

Nel sito as8, già segnalato, di Alessando Segalini, docente presso la Bilkent University, ricca messe di materiali, notizie e links per grafici e tipografi; di recente, ha messo generosamente a disposizione un pdf scaricabile con i materiali della lezione tenuta all’università Iuav di Venezia sul tema dei Formati digitali delle font.


facetti & google

“Altri links per il suo blog – mi scrive ST, che ringrazio –, tutti presi da DesignObserver (di blog in blog):

Germano Facetti, who has died in Italy at the age of 77, led several professional lives. For 25 years he was a big presence in British publishing and design, best known as the art director who changed the face of Penguin Books in the 1960s. [vedi anche aiap e sdz]

The Google logo — that scrap of oddball typography — is perhaps the most famous piece of graphic design in the world today. Milton Glaser’s "I 'Heart' New York" may have a prior claim”.


saul bass

“Design is thinking made visual” – affermava Saul Bass, e gli crediamo.
Per chi volesse saperne di più, vale la pena di viaggiare nel sito Aiga e in hitchcock.tv – senza dimenticare sdz.


goudy &

Tungsteno (grazie W!) segnala un importante film muto con/su Goudy, The Design to The Print by Frederic W. Goudy, scaricabile in formato QuickTime; nello stesso sito, TypeCulture®, molti altri movies tipo–grafici:

The Creation of a Printing Type
From The Design to The Print by Frederic W. Goudy. This silent film from the 1930s shows the preeminent American type designer Frederic Goudy (1865-1947) creating his typeface Goudy Saks. Goudy fans will delight in watching the master at work, but more importantly, this is a document of his type-making process - from the original drawings in pencil and ink, through the engraving of the working pattern and the matrix to the casting and proofing. (Thanks to Prof. David Pankow for allowing us to post this film.)
QuickTime 6 movie (13.8 MB) or QuickTime 7 movie (9.5 MB).

Do you need to explain the significance of type to your parents, your Aunt Edna or the first-year students in your Typography 101 class? This is the film for you. Produced in the 1980's by the BBC with renowned typographer Erik Spiekermann, this amusing introduction to the world of type delves into the myriad personalities of typefaces and explains how typographic form influences our lives every day. (Many thanks to Erik for allowing us to post this film.)
QuickTime 6 movie (10 MB) or QuickTime 7 movie (7.8 MB).

Douglas Coffin, Lettercarver
While this film may not be about type, it abounds with beautiful letters. Douglas Coffin is one of a handful of people in the United States who carve letters in stone with the same methods that were used in the Roman Empire. Two thousand years later, the most compelling results are still achieved through the design and carving skills of a passionate artist-craftsman.
QuickTime 6 movie (10.9 MB) or QuickTime 7 movie (7.4 MB).

Letterpress Printing
This fabulous short film about John Kristensen‘s Firefly Press in Somerville, Massachusetts was created by journalist and videographer Chuck Kraemer for WGBH, Channel 2 in Boston. It‘s available for viewing on the website of photographer Elsa Dorfman (which will appear in a new window).
QuickTime 6 movie (7.5 MB)

The Linotype
A short documentary film about one of the most intriguing machines of the Industrial Age; how it works - from beginning to end.
QuickTime 6 movie (4.8 MB).

The Ludlow Typograph Machine
A documentary film about the hot-metal typecaster for headlines; a machine for big type that combines hand composition and Industrial-Age technology.
QuickTime 6 movie (5.9 MB) or QuickTime 7 movie (2.8 MB).

The Monotype Keyboard & Caster
A short documentary film about an extraordinary typesetting system and precursor to early computer technology; punch tape, line length calculation, x and y axes - they're all here. QuickTime 6 movie (7.8 MB)”.


toh, chi si rivede!

Un classico della progettazione di caratteri digitali, rinnovato e aggiornato: Fontographer.
Segnalato da CP, che lo ha usato con profitto.


pg 7

Dal sito ufficiale: “È uscito il numero 7 di Progetto Grafico: 200 pagine (16 euro), 517 illustrazioni, 45 articoli, 40 autori parlano di musica contemporanea, storia dell’avanguardia musicale, grafica in Olanda, insegne calligrafiche dei bruin café, appuntamenti internazionali su calligrafia, scrittura, tipografia...”



Corporate identity Eni, dalle origini del celebre cane a sei zampe (Supercortemaggiore, la potente benzina italiana!) italiana fino al restyling di Bob Noorda.
Segnalato da Stefano Tropea, merci beaucoup!


mutcd e sifr

Standard Alphabets for Traffic Control Devices (pdf)
nel sito governativo yankee del Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

sIFR 2.0: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses
nel sito di Mike Davidson.
“sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text rendered in your typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users have that font installed on their systems. It accomplishes this by using a combination of javascript, CSS, and Flash”.
Vedere questo esempio, per cominciare!

Segnalazioni, come al solito utili e interessanti, di G.T., grazie!


snow letter

T2-Worshop 9. Snow Letter gallery is on-line!
Segnalato da A. Segalini.