
non solo dada

Digital Dada Library
Original Dada-Era Publications in the International Dada Archive
(Special Collections, University of Iowa Libraries)
This page provides links to some of the major Dada-era publications in the International Dada Archive. These books, pamphlets, and period are housed in the Special Collections Department of the University of Iowa Libraries. For reasons of copyright, no documents published after 1923 have been included. Each document has been scanned in its entirety. These are page-image files only, not searchable full-text files.


the graphic imperative

The Graphic Imperative
International Posters for Peace, Social Justice and the Environment 1965–2005


ttp 2

Altri 3 libri nelle collezioni del fantastico sistema di consultazione (audio incluso) online Turning the Pages adottato dalla British Library, segnalato a suo tempo – aggiornamento suggerito da GT, thanks!



Wayfinding in Tokyo: Local Context and Direction Map Design
by Chris Palmieri, partner at AQ in Tokyo, Japan
This article was originally published on LukeW’s Functioning Form

Un lungo e puntuale articolo sul Map Design, ricco di esempi vissuti in Giappone.


immagine non coordinata

Stefano Caprioli e Pietro Corraini
Manuale di immagine non coordinata
Introduzione di Beppe Finessi

Edizioni Corraini Mantova
formato 11 x 16 cm
33 illustrazioni e fotografie in b/n
pp. 88
ISBN: 88-7570-050-8
€ 8,00


pg 7

Ricevo e giro, per (utile) conoscenza.

“Gentili Signori,
il n. 7 di Progetto grafico è pronto.
Ci auguriamo che questa informazione sia di vostro
interesse e rimaniamo a vostra disposizione per
ogni eventuale chiarimento.
Vi ringraziamo e inviamo cordiali saluti.
Segreteria Aiap”.

La Segreteria Aiap è aperta al pubblico
dal lunedì al venerdì
dalle ore 14 alle ore 18
via Ponchielli 3 - 20129 Milano
tel 02 29520590
fax 02 29512495



Gentium — a typeface for the nations

is a typeface family designed to enable the diverse ethnic groups around the world who use the Latin script to produce readable, high-quality publications. It supports a wide range of Latin-based alphabets and includes glyphs that correspond to all the Latin ranges of Unicode. The design is intended to be highly readable, reasonably compact, and visually attractive. The additional ‘extended’ Latin letters are designed to naturally harmonize with the traditional 26 ones. Diacritics are treated with careful thought and attention to their use. Gentium also supports both ancient and modern Greek, including a number of alternate forms. These fonts were originally the product of two years of research and study by the designer at the University of Reading, England, as part of an MA program in Typeface Design. Gentium is freely available and may be used by anyone at no cost. It is now released under the SIL Open Font License, a free and open source license that permits modification and redistribution. Our hope is that it will stimulate literature production and elevate extended Latin alphabets to greater parity with the basic Latin alphabet. We also hope it will encourage other type designers to appreciate and support those fascinating and beautiful extra letters.



Nota di servizio
Da qualche giorno, grazie al rapido e cortese intervento di un tecnico Telecom nella centrale da cui dipendiamo, siamo passati da 16.8k bps a 52k bps in dialup: si va come un treno, ora; e si mormora di una certa connessione detta adsl…


fruitlabels 2

Altri siti di etichette di frutta, oltre a quello già segnalato a suo tempo:
Bananal-Label Gallery
Premek’s Stickers


yale gd 2005

Le tesi 2005 degli studenti di Graphic Design a Yale in mostra online – segnalate da FB!