notizie di architettura
15 luglio 2005
  Piano Shard of Glass

Architect Piano pushes on with Shard of Glass

Caroline Brothers
BERN, Switzerland (Reuters)
Despite criticism and years of red-tape, Italian architect Renzo Piano, designer of some of the world's most iconic landmarks, is forging ahead with a London skyscraper known as the "Shard of Glass." In a recent interview before the opening of another work -- a museum for the work of modernist artist Paul Klee in the shape of three waves in the Swiss city of Bern -- Piano said architects should not shy from taking risks. "We have beaten Prince Charles, English Heritage and the nostalgics," Piano, regarded as one of the world's finest architects for his visionary and poetic designs, said of critics of his design for a colossal glass wedge over London's skyline. "It's taking time, but we are doing it," he said of the much-delayed building that will contain a hotel, restaurants, and a viewing platform 787 feet in the air. The 72-story building at London's Tower Bridge, commissioned by developer Irvine Sellar in 2000, is due for completion by 2010.
[fonte] con maggiori informazioni
[sito Renzo Piano Building Workshop]

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